
More than 100 law enforcement officers conducted directed patrols in known hotspots for drug-related crime in various parts of east county.Enforcement is one component in a comprehensive approach to creating a shift in community norms and standards through environmental prevention strategies.

Enforcement is broadly defined in an environmental prevention campaign include law enforcement, prosecutors, the judicial system and any other entity that monitors compliance or can impose penalties on those who are out of compliance with policies, practices or procedures. It is critical to have representatives from relevant enforcement agencies involved in identifying and supportive of project goals and objectives. Garnering their support will help ensure that new and existing policies, practices and procedures are routinely enforced and consequences consistently imposed on those who are not following them.

Participation of enforcement officials and agencies can help:

  • Identify solutions
  • Guide strategic planning
  • Introduce policy solutions to policymakers
  • Reveal key data sources and provide access for use in project
  • Lend credibility to media advocacy
  • Ensure new policies, as well as existing policies, are followed

In turn, the community must provide visible support to enforcement officials and agencies through strategic partnerships to ensure continued enforcement of policies, practices and procedures. When a policy or law is engrained in the community’s norms and standards, self-enforcement often can be observed.

The Binge and Underage Drinking Initiative partners with the San Diego County Law Enforcement Task Force to support high-visibility enforcement operations.