David Jernigan, Ph.D., is a professor of Health Law, Policy and Management at the Boston University School of Public Health, and senior policy advisor for CityHealth, a project of the de Beaumont Foundation that provides leaders with a package of evidence-based policy solutions that will help millions of people live longer, better lives in vibrant, prosperous communities.
Dr. Jernigan is best known for his action-research approach to the issue of alcohol advertising, marketing, and promotion and its influence on young people. His work has led to better advertising regulations and a clearer understanding of the evolving structure of the alcohol industry. His work is policy relevant and scientifically rigorous.
Dr. Jernigan will highlight the success of efforts in San Diego County as the exemplar of upstream prevention in reducing alcohol-related harms.
Register for APP Luncheon
$20 Per Person – Early Bird Registration
$30 Per Person – After April 5!
Please contact creed@publicstrategies.org if you have a question or need assistance.
The Bing and Underage Drinking Initiative Presents:
PARTS 1 & 2
A Deep Dive into Mapping
Systemic Barriers and Public Health
Part 1: April 20 at 11 a.m. PST
Part 2: April 27 at 11 a.m. PST
These events will be held virtually via ZOOM.
Morning Presentation from 9–11 a.m. PDT
Registration link here for morning session
The morning session is a general overview of the topic geared toward prevention
specialists, community members, law enforcement, and policy makers.
Afternoon Workshop from 1–4 p.m. PDT
Registration link here for afternoon session
The afternoon session takes a deeper dive for those looking to create
actionable steps in implementing improvements in the community.
Please contact us if you have questions about accessing the meeting and/or workshop remotely at creed@publicstrategies.org.
Luncheon and Workshop from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. PDT
Registration link for the luncheon
$20 Per Person Early Bird
$25 after April 1
(Lunch Included; By purchasing tickets, you agree to follow any COVID-19 precautions required.)
Please contact us if you have questions about accessing the meeting and/or workshop remotely at creed@publicstrategies.org.
Register for one or both sessions here.
Please contact us if you have questions about accessing the meeting and/or workshop remotely at creed@publicstrategies.org.

In San Diego County, district mapping and redlining policies have influenced everything from housing prices to the demographics of communities, and even impact issues like alcohol sales and other community health concerns.
John C. Finn, Ph.D., addresses this Capacity Building Workshop and identifies roadblocks to improvement that still influence community health today. Participants will walk away with an understanding of how mapping techniques are relevant to their current work, and action steps to be taken to advocate successfully using maps and geographic data.